Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have major diabetes burnout. Im just taking each day as it comes and dealing with diabetes promptly and respectfully. Truthfully i need a big ass break.

Feeling immensely sad about the 1 year since diagnosis.

Sad that my last childs babyhood is almost a memory and Ive wasted a year worrying about his chronic illness rather Than enjoying Him.

On a downer. ..Sorry.


  1. Start fresh. There's still so many years ahead to enjoy, without the shock of diagnosis...hope things turn up.

  2. So sorry that you are feeling down atm. It can't help that sickness after sickness has added to the burden the last were months.
    I hope you get a break soon. Is DH going to take the reins so you can get one?

  3. It fucking sucks Jules. The stage where you are at...I remember it all to well. Know it is OK. Know it is normal...and know we are all here for you. If you need anything you are more than welcome to email me or message me on FB. I am thinking of you.

  4. Don't apologize. you are normal. I hate these periods of burnout, and I'm sorry that you are going through it. HUGS!

  5. Everyone has these moments, days, weeks, whatever! Know you are not alone and that we are all here supporting you!
    Go read some of the bloopers everyone is sharing today and have a will help, I promise!!

  6. Try to find a way to take an afternoon off. Even if you do nothing but walk around a store.

    Hang in there... it hets better.


  7. I so understand where you are right now. (((HUGS))) Jules! I hope it helps to know that others, like me, get it.

  8. Sorry you're feeling down. We know the crazy emotional roller coaster all too're not alone! Go give your babe a hug!

  9. I just had a nightmare few weeks with a week of LO readings followed by a week of 25+ readings and top it off I mixed up my little fellas insulin dose. I gave him 16 units of short acting instead of 3. I thought I had killed my son. Anyway after the panick and coke and rush to the hospital he was OK. I am also feeling rather burnt out.. Neil

  10. You're allowed moments like this. Don't feel guilty or bad about it. Stay strong can do this.
